It's come time to document the history of this project. It hasn't got all that much; the inital post announcing that there was something in the works was made on the 12th of November 2004, and it's only June 2005 now. However, there's progress made, and more to come, so here it is. Up to present is from memory and what I posted on [H]; I'll update it as I go (if I remember, which means don't hold your breath).
- Oct 04: Work begins on a network booting server for Folding@Home. I have no idea what to call it.
- 12 Nov 04: First mention made on the [H]ard|Forum. I completely jack the thread.
- 13 Dec 04: I apply for hosting on sourceforge. I still don't know what to call it. It's rejected the next day; I cry at them a bit and figure it's a non-issue.
- 22 Dec 04: Zeroth release post on the [H]. I was hosted by the very gracious Ch1m3r4 of the [H]. This is no longer the case, but I am glad for his help.
- 26 Dec 04: I start working on the log.c program (now replaced). This is mentioned in this thread.
- 10 January 05: I release what I call the "real" version of fold-server, 0.6. Little did I know. Later in this thread is the 0.8 version with some bugfixes.
- 16 January 05: Sourceforge approves my hosting! w00t!
- 26 Feb 05: I stay up 'til 10 helping Oldbenwa of the [H] get fold-server going (a library issue). He posts the next morning to thank me. I desperately plead for more users; he's the first one to try it. Thanks for testing the waters for sharks.
- 27 Feb 05: The [H] F@H Team Busts 100,000,000 Points!
- 2 Mar 05: Version 0.9 released. It still has glaring bugs; I tell people to chill, send them fixes, and curse hastiness.
- 23 Mar 05: Marty9876 posts his farm pics; everyone on [H]'s DC forum goes into shock.
- 1 April 05: As a terrible april fools joke, I get my brother to post this. Everyone gets it at once. Next year, more deception.
- 4 April 05: I release 1.0. [H] thread.
- 21 April 05: [H] is #1! MidnightFreak drops by, and the Relic Trophy drops back!. Local copy of the trophy.
- 25 April 05: I start a poll: 1 ethernet adapter or 2? Result is a dead tie. I say screw it, let me fix the remaining problems with 2 adapter setups and then go work on a single adapter thingamajig.
- 1 May 05: I break my development box. It was an athlon 900, 512 mb of ram, and now it's a pile of uselessness. I don't want to talk about it. Okay, fine, I will. I was testing some CPUs of questionable workingness in the motherboard, and now it's dead. I want to abstract myself from hardware as much as possible for my next devel box, so I'll buy VMWare for it. $200, blah.
- 14 May 05: I get a job. 9 to 5 deal, so I'm busy during the week. This is good and bad; I can't work on fold-server, and I can save up for a copy of VMWare that I need to replace my dead development box.